Many times you come across a situation when your website is down.  One reason why your website may be down could be due to a DDoS attacks.  

What is DDoS Attacks?

The DDoS attacks is distributed denial of service attack. In this type of attack, the invaders inflict a Trojan on the system causing it to stop functioning.

Many organizations who have an active online presence have suffered from serious problems due to DDoS attacks. The cyber-attacks on the websites have almost led to business failures of the companies. Going ahead, with the world becoming hi-tech, the online portals are expected to grow at a rapid pace and with that, the chances of DDoS attacks will grow too.

Let us look at some precautions that can be taken against DDoS attack while website development:

Precautions to Prevent From DDoS Attacks:

  • Be Ready With the Action Plan: While designing the website always make the action plan to mitigate the risk of DDoS attack. The action plan should comprise of dumping of logs in case of any malicious activity, immediate alert mechanism whenever the website is down, etc.
  • Traffic Levels: Develop website that can quickly report a sudden increase in the traffic levels. DDoS attack comprises of an abnormal increase in the traffic on the website that goes beyond control, leading to the shutdown of the website. With a mechanism to regularly monitor the traffic congestion on the website, the DDoS attack can be controlled at the initial level.

    Preventing DDoS Attacks
    Preventing DDoS Attacks – A Guide
  • Install a Dedicated Server: Installing a dedicated server will provide more bandwidth to your website that will help in smooth functioning. A dedicated server adds extra security to the website by monitoring the activities of the customers.
  • Block Spoofed IP Addresses: Block all the Spoofed IP addresses during web development. Spoofed IP addresses are those, which represent something that is not true. By blocking such IP addresses businesses can deny DDoS attacks.
  • Add Proxy Protection: Proxy IP addresses hides the real IP address from the intruders. Proxy protection sends the proxy traffic towards the hackers and thereby avoiding many cyber-attacks.
  • Set up VPS: Purchasing a Virtual Private System (VPS) for the website adds extra security to the website. It lends a separate operating space and unique IP address to the website. This helps in saving the website from malware attacks that can have access to those websites that do not have separate VPS.
  • Train Customers: Last but not the least, train the customers for higher DDoS protection. Make them understand the importance of strong log-in ID and password. The main reason for training the customers is that the intruders attack the websites through those computers that have weak passwords. Thus to protect the website from DDoS attacks encourage the customers to secure their systems.

Infojini is the leading web design company. We have qualified professionals and experts who have the knowledge of website development with additional security features to protect them from DDoS attacks. Our affordability makes us the market leader in this segment. If you are looking to create website that is free from cyber-attacks, contact us via email on or call on 410-919-9440.

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