Veteran Hiring is in trend. Many companies are seeking veterans who will add value to the workstation. As per the estimates by CareerBuilder survey report, by 2023 there will be 3.5 million veterans in the U.S. workforce.

While this looks exciting, there still exist myths, according to which veterans don’t possess skills that will add real value to private sector firms. This is far from truth, and misconceptions like these may discourage companies from hiring veterans. In fact, veteran’s hard and soft skills and experience are notably suitable to stand out in a corporate environment that values teamwork/cooperation, dedication and intelligence.

Veteran Hiring Myths

Let’s understand some common veteran hiring misconceptions and myths.

  • Service Men Women aren’t techie – Many people assume that veterans are not in line with the technological revolutions. While there was a time when military was completely aloof from the tech advances, now things have changed. There are several tech profiles in military like cyber operations, signal officers and IT specialists, where service men and women make use of advanced technology to transmit, navigate and probe data. Big brands like Amazon, IBM and Tesla have specially curated hiring and training programs to welcome Heroes onboard.

    Common Veteran Hiring Myths
    Common Veteran Hiring Myths
  • Veterans face problems adapting to civilian workplace – Not true! In fact, teamwork, dedication, effective communication and resilient are the backbone of military work culture. There are certain stereotypes that veterans only feature physical strengthen and aggressive personality, and no intelligence; they are asocial hence won’t be able to adjust in a rather lively and vibrant office culture. That is wrong; the military is unambiguously diverse place, especially when compared against corporate. A small military unit is perhaps the best example of high-performing and highly motivated and dedicated team. Why? Because they achieve outstanding results in a group simply because they trust each other and have smooth communication between them.
  • A veteran’s skills aren’t relevant to private sector business – Veterans have specialized vocational skills along with applied/technical backgrounds in leadership, engineering, maintenance, production, logistics, quality, and safety. They have unmatched integrity, often have a built-in background check, meet physical fitness standards. Aren’t these (or some of these) relevant to a private sector job?
  • Veterans suffer from PTSD – Most recruiting managers fear that veterans may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). First off, PTSD is not a disease, it is the normal result of a traumatic or stressful event. Even a car accident can cause PTSD. There is a surprising statistic, which shows just about 15% are in specialities related to combat – and of those who did, less than 15% experience some sort of PTSD. Also, matter of fact is the huge majority of PTSD victims (both veterans and non-veterans) in the workplace presents no risk of aggression and negligible cost to the employer. Source: Recruit Military

There are numerous ways a company can present veterans with equal opportunity at employment. It, first begins with destructing these myths. If you still have even the slightest doubt, call veterans for interview and experience first-hand how incorrect this thinking is.

Infojini, Inc. a one of the renowned IT Staffing Companies in Maryland is committed to the present equal opportunities and training opportunities to people who have served. We value the sense of commitment, loyalty, leadership and hard work that is ingrained by participation in Military service. For details, please write to us on

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