Microsoft is known to launch several updates to the Windows operating system platform from time to time. Unlike Mac or Linux OS, the Windows platform often sees major updates several times every year. Microsoft recently added a new update to the Windows 10 platform. We saw the launch of the long-awaited official update of the Windows platform codenamed Project Neon as the Fluent Design update a few days back.

The Fluent Design system is the forerunner of the Metro design language first launched for the Windows phones. With this new design system, Microsoft is targeting all touch, non-touch as well as augmented reality devices currently running on the Windows OS. Users are expected to have access to the updated Fluent Design by the end of September 2017.

Microsoft depicts the new Fluent Design System using the following key features.


Microsoft aims to draw attention to the interface where it is needed using the light feature. A subtle highlight in the background color allows the users to focus on the change on the display of the device. While some of the light features are already available via Windows Store applications, we will see most of these features in the main interface after the update. The light feature will also help in increasing the intuitiveness of the already simplified Windows interface.

Fluent Design System
Fluent Design System


The depth feature in Fluent design focusses on enhancing the multi-tasking experience of the users. The depth allows users to easily navigate from one window tab to another with a smoother animation, using the layering and bitmapping technologies. Since the Metro design system’s solid colored interface faced immense criticism, the Fluent design’s depth interface shall help Windows in reclaiming a market share.


Using the motion feature on the interface, Microsoft aims to add nifty little animations that make the long hours of exposure to the screen pleasant and easy on the eyes. The zoom in and zoom out motion effect will also help the users to notice the changes on display without straining their eyes to see small illegible fonts. The motion feature will also help in easier and more fluid navigation from one window to another.


The aim of the material feature of the new Fluent design is to give importance to the main window of the application while reducing the space for unnecessary features. With a better utilization of the screen space, the user can easily work even on devices with a small screen. This feature will especially help the users of touchscreen devices like phones as well as tablets running on Windows.


We consider the scale feature as the first big step of Microsoft in the competition for augmented reality devices. The main purpose of the scale feature is to add functionality to a virtual reality realm without compromising on quality or the intuitiveness of the experience.

Microsoft also launched several videos and screenshots depicting how these seven features on the Fluent design system help the users in performing daily tasks. While a few applications are already picking up these Fluent design features, we expect a full conversion to the new design by the end of September 2017.

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