The application development market is flooded with new development tools and professional application development software. While developing a mobile application, the first question that you must ask yourself is, “Which mobile operating system platform am I developing the application for?” When the answer to this question is ‘All of them’ (Android, iOS, Windows), you need to think about developing a good hybrid application.

Over 50% of the current market share consists of hybrid mobile applications. More than 60% of the developers use the Appcelerator Titanium for developing these applications. The debate for the superiority amongst hybrid applications and native applications is never-ending. However, people usually conclude that hybrid applications are better for business growth and expansion. Due to this reason, hybrid applications are preferred amongst developers. However, many developers refrain from accepting the effectiveness of hybrid mobile app development due to the following myths.

Myths about Hybrid Mobile App Development

Myth 1: Native applications always outperform hybrid applications

Native applications generally have an edge over hybrid applications. However, this is not always true. The application performance depends a lot on the skills of the developer. In case you hire an experienced and skilled developer, you can harness his/her skills to develop a great hybrid application.

Creation of a single hybrid application for two different platforms takes a considerably less amount of time and resources than creating two different native applications. Therefore, a skilled developer can efficiently invest his/her time in optimizing the application to make it as fast as native application.

Appcelerator Titanium and Hybrid Mobile App Development Myths
Appcelerator Titanium and Hybrid Mobile App Development Myths

Myth 2: It is considerably difficult to create a hybrid application

According to various studies, the time required for a singular hybrid  mobile app development is usually 50 – 80% less than the time required for the development of two individual native applications. This fact indicates that it is usually a little difficult to create it.

Since the time required for development is considerably less, people flock towards creating hybrid applications. The hybrid development also leaves ample time for optimization as well as the aesthetic development of the application at a lower cost.

Myth 3: Appcelerator Titanium is clumsy and slow

Developers often prefer using Native application development platforms because they think that hybrid development platforms like Appcelerator Titanium are slow and clumsy. However, this is not true. Appcelerator Titanium is one of the most widely accepted application development platforms. It attracts over 50% of the hybrid application developers. The platform developers often upload new plugins and tools for user convenience.

Myth 4: You can use hybrid application on all platforms directly

One of the most popular myths for hybrid applications is that you can use it on all platforms using a single source code. However, this is quite not true. You can use a hybrid application on different platforms using minor tweaks. By changing a few lines of code on a hybrid application source code, you can modify it to work on a different platform.

Myth 5: Hybrid applications have an ugly interface

The basis for this myth is that hybrid development is relatively new compared to native application development. Therefore, the developers are not experts in using UX and UI for the application development using the hybrid application development frameworks.

However, since you require lesser time and cost to develop a hybrid application, you can efficiently focus on developing the aesthetics of the application by hiring a professional graphic designer. Be careful in assessing your goals and market before developing a mobile application. If you are in it for the long haul and aim for business growth shortly, we advise you to go for the hybrid application development.

Having served many clients globally, it would be our pleasure to help you develop the next mobile application for your business needs. Email is on or on phone 410-919-9440 for any query.

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