Out of the many challenges, employers are majorly hit by the issue of rapidly changing technology, talent crunch, evolving workforce trend and government regulations. Given these situations, businesses are assessing their staffing models to look for innovative yet economical methods to draw talent and seal critical gaps.

Flexible Staffing Models

Contingent labor/talent can cause growth in both productivity and revenue. Businesses are largely considering to use virtual space for remote work, in order to save on infrastructure costs and to provide access to resource that might be otherwise constrained by physical proximity.

By leveraging contingent talent employers can respond quickly to changing markets, workplace conditions or business requirements. This can provide trained and experienced personnel – ready to start work.

Strategies to Maximize your Workforce
Strategies to Maximize your Workforce

Which Positions and Industries best for Contingent Resources

While there are several fields or positions that are best identified as permanent designations viz. sales, business development, marketing, there are positions where contingent staffing can work best – in banking sector, particularly for customer service positions.

There are few industrial positions for seasonal businesses that require contingent staffing model, like warehouse and distribution. Other positions which can be rightly fit into the contingent space include skilled trades such as welders and pipefitters. In a nutshell, contingent workforce is being used consistently, under particular situations, across all industries.

How to recruit top talent in the contingent space

Employers seeking skilled talent would draw talent in the contingent space as they would in the permanent sphere – competitively.  As companies are facing the dearth of skilled workforce, it is utmost critical to increase wages for contingent labor. If they don’t do so, soon employers will face severe talent crunch.

The Bottom Line

Eventually, acquiring skilled labor is tough in present scenario due to array of factors – internal and external. With consistently growing demand for proficient workforce, it makes sense to opt for contingent labor, and employers should invest time in inspecting the ways to maximize the possible advantages of combining this model into the mainstream staffing sphere.

Get in touch with us on 443-908-0420 or email on commercialrfi@info-dev.infojinidigital.com to discuss your requirement.

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