The biggest technological revolution of all time, Artificial Intelligence is here. Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, has estimated that robots will reach human levels of intelligence by 2029.  Gartner , an information technology research and advisory firm, predicts that one third of jobs will be replaced by software, robots, and smart machines by 2025.

Artificial Intelligence & Economy

In the following infographic, we look at the projections by Accenture underlining the economic impact of AI – how are robots going to reverse the decreasing profit ratio, industry that will be most affected by AI and how.

Economic Impact of Artificial Intelligence
Economic Impact of Artificial Intelligence

The introduction of Artificial Intelligence in various industries will bring maximum economic advantage to several regions including China, North America, Southern Europe, Developed Asia, Latin America and Northern Europe. According to PwC, the overall (global) growth from AI can be further bifurcated into two major sections: labor productivity improvements ($6.6 trillion) and increased consumer demand ($9.1 trillion).

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