Gaming apps are ruling the market. According to Statista, the daily revenue of Game of War, the highest grossing game in the US is $1,386,580. But gaming apps have a very low retention rate – about 22.1% of users returned to use the app during the second week after the first week of use.

Now the question is What does it take for your app to stand out in the crowd? What does it take to make users stick to your app? While its unique features definitely plays the key role, the UX design of an app helps immensely in retaining existing users and attracting potential users.

In the below infographic we’ve listed down certain UX Design Tips for Creating Gaming Apps.

UX Design Tips for Gaming App
UX Design Tips for Gaming App  

Source: Appsee

Mobile gaming stretch across different genres like racing, role play and strategy etc. So, every genre will require taking a different approach to the UX depending on the gameplay. However, the above mobile game UX design tips will help you give a clean, user-friendly, seamless and attractive user experience to your users.

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