Developing your own website is like building a home where you need to take care of the security as well.  Security is required for maintaining the data secrecy and smooth functioning of the programs on the website.

Those who breach the security of the website with wrong intent are known as cyber attackers. They are invisible and fast. So tracking their activities on the website is difficult but very important. If the website is not properly secured, the data loss can hinder the growth of the company, which can prove to be fatal for the business in the long run.

Ways to Safeguard Your Website

Taking precautions against different types of cyber-attacks must be the priority of any organization while website development. The following guidelines can help you make your web page design secure and safe from cyber-attacks:

  • Difficult Access Control: Most of the cyber-attacks take place through the admin level of the website. One can avoid unauthorized access by strengthening the access control and limiting the number of login attempts in a span of time. The username and password must be difficult for the hackers to guess.
  • Add Captcha for online forms– Adding captcha brings in additional cyber security and protects a website from Denial Of Service (DDos) attack by preventing the hacker affect the website traffic. In effect, this can protect the website from uploading fake data.
  • Limit File Uploads: Limiting the file uploads on the website denies entry to the hackers. By limiting uploads, your data on the website remain safe from the bugs that sneak into the files during uploads.

    Cyber Security Guidelines for your Website
    Cyber Security Guidelines for your Website
  • Take Regular Backup: Regular backup can help you in retrieving the data quickly during unexpected cyber-attacks. Install applications that can help you store and retrieve the data when the website faces cyber-attacks.
  • Install Web Application Firewall:  Firewalls check all the data before it passes through the website. It blocks the malicious data that has the potential to harm the website in any form. Installing web application firewall avoids the website from getting hacked or infected with viruses.
  • Disable Autofill: By enabling the auto fill feature you invite the unnecessary risk of easy access to the website for the cyber attackers. Always keep the auto fill feature disabled.
  • Use Proxy Protection: Use of proxy protection for the website can hide its real IP address. One can avoid cyber-attacks by hiding the real IP address from the intruders.
  • Use Secure Sockets Layer:  Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protects the data during transfer between the website and database. SSL also ensures that the data is not leaked without proper authority.
  • Set up VPS: Install a separate Virtual Private System (VPS) for the website. VPS adds extra security to the website by providing a separate operating space and unique IP address.
  • Hide Admin Pages: You don’t want the intruders to find your admin page easily. Ensure that your admin page does not appear in the search engine results.

Infojini is the leading web design & development company for all your business needs. Our professionals create website that is secured against the different malware attacks. If your business needs a secure website development, you can drop us an email on or call us on 410-919-9440 for fixing the appointment.

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