Customer experience is the perception that a customer has after engaging with a brand, company, product or service.

Why Enhancing Customer Experience is Important?

Businesses these days focus on providing a superior browsing experience to their customers in the form of smooth and better performing mobile app. Good customer experience is now the priority of many big firms for a simple reason, if the app developer creates a good app then the customers will always prefer that app over your competitors. Over the years, providing an excellent experience to the customers has been the motto of many companies.

The problem that arises here is, how companies measure a qualitative concept like Customer Experience (CX). In this blog, we shall address this issue and suggest some way by which companies can design a customer’s experience measurement program.

Designing and Measurement of Customer’s Experience

  • Select Customer Segment: In the initial step, identify the customer segment that you serve. Choose those customer segments that contribute towards higher profitability of the company. Selection of customer segment is important because if the company tries to measure everyone’s experiences, it will lead to higher consumption of company’s resources and a waste of time.
Customer Experience - how to design and measure it
Customer Experience – how to design and measure it
  • Select the Experiences to Measure: Before measuring the customer experiences, it is important to define which experiences you want to measure. Like, if customers are using your business mobile app, what experiences of the customer you would like to measure. Here the app creator can measure the performance of the app, whether the app need additional features, etc. This will help you know what the customer likes and where you need to improve.
  • Make CX Metrics for Each Experience: In this step, you need to evaluate different experiences of the customers based on the answers given by the customers. You can use techniques like Net Promoter Score or Customer Satisfaction, etc.
    Net Promoter Score or NPS is a type of customer survey where you ask the customers few questions and their reply determines how satisfied they are, using the company’s mobile app or any other product.  The customers give a rating to your company in the range of 0 to 10. The survey consists of question like “would you recommend the app to your family and friends”, etc.  Net Promoter Score tells the realities of customer experience.
    Customer Satisfaction or CSAT rates the customer’s experiences while using any product of the company like mobile app in this case. The customers have to fill the survey form with options ranging from “very satisfied” to “not at all satisfied”. CSAT helps to know the reactions of users availing the company’s product or services. It helps the company to know in which areas they are not performing well and customers are disappointed.
  • Data Collection Mechanism: In this step, you design a data collection mechanism where the entire customer’s data can be captured and stored.  Ensure that the data collection mechanism is such that collects feedback coming from different channels and not from any one particular channel.
  • Set Targets for Improving Customer Experience: Evaluate your current position and determine where you want to be in future. Set the targets that you want your business to achieve in terms of customer satisfaction based on the feedback received through different channels. When targets are laid down, everyone is motivated, as they know what they are supposed to do to achieve the goals.
  • Identify CX Issues and Act: Identify the issues through feedback mechanism and create a plan to address various issues.  Act according to the plan and ensure that you rectify all the issues discovered during the feedback mechanism. This will help in improving the CX.
  • Have Transparent Feedback Mechanism: Last but not the least, to be successful, you must share the feedback received on customer experience through different channels with everyone in the organization. This will help them to improve and perform better so that the concerns of the customers are timely addressed.

Infojini serves the customers with different mobile app development services. We very well know how to evaluate the customer experience and address the areas where customers have a negative feedback. By collaborating with us, you can improve and enhance your customer’s experience. This will help your business to grow at a steady pace.  Email us on or call on 410-919-9440 for more information.

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