The very first thing that catches a mobile user’s attention is the mobile app’s design. It is like creating the first impression on someone. It is but natural that when we see something attractive, we automatically take more interest in it. Similarly, a good visual design creates a great impact on the minds of users.  Likewise, a dull design may turn off your users even before they try their hands on the app. Yes, that is the potential of a good design.

If you take a close look at the apps that are performing well and popular among users, you will find one thing common in them, their incredible fluid design. The design of an app can be divided into two parts. The first is User Interface (UI) and the second one is User Experience (UX).

The app creator tries to develop an app that instantly appeals to the user with its looks. Thus, better User Interface is the primary thing that attracts any user. The second important thing for a user is how the app feels i.e. the User Experience. If an app developer is successfully able to meet both the requirements of the users the app will be a big hit.

The major motive for any business is to generate revenue. This is possible only if the user uses the mobile app repeatedly. An app that has smooth performance and quality will be able to generate more revenue. To make or break a business is in the hands of the app developer. A well-made app can grow a business significantly. Likewise, an app that is poorly designed can deteriorate the image of the business.

Importance of Design in Mobile App Development
Why is Design the Most Important Factor in Mobile App Development

Since the design of an app is so important. Let us have a look at few benefits of the well-designed mobile app.

The importance of Design in Mobile App Development

  • Navigation: During mobile app development process, all the requirements of the users should be taken into consideration. If the user instantly gets what he is looking for, the user will use your app repeatedly. The navigation experience of the user has the capability to unlock new possibilities. An app with better design will have a better navigation facility that can help business to generate more traffic on the app and reach its financial goals.
  • Ahead of Competitors: The markets are expanding each day and with that, the competitors are growing regularly. It is the fight for getting noticed with better products and services. A mobile app with good design can instantly create a better first impression of your brand on the consumer. Thus, it gives your business an edge over the competitors.
  • Attractive Icon: A company’s identity is visually expressed through its brand logo or icon. Like, you can instantly identify a product of “Nike” brand if the product has a “tick mark” over it. Similarly, a well-designed app has visual appeal with it. The icon or logo of the app can create a positive impression on the user. This helps in building your brand image and people start recognizing your brand just by seeing the icon or logo.
  • Organizing: An app maker who designs the app in a good way will get the benefit of multiple visits by a single user. This is because a well-designed app looks more organized as the features of the app is perfectly placed. This will help the users work easily on the app and understand its functions. This consistency helps to make a better impression on the user and keep them involved in the app.
  • Visual Impression: A user will use your app only if it has a good visual appeal. If the app is visually bad and does not appeal the user, he will immediately leave the app. An app that is developed using the combination of graphics, images, videos, animations, gif, etc. comes to the notice of the visitors instantly. A well-designed app successfully catches the attention of the visitors.
  • Clear and Crisp: A perfectly designed app has the quality of displaying the app information in the manner that is easy to understand for any user. The search bar, status bar, content bar, toolbar, etc. must be presented in a way that every function and feature of the app are clear to the user. In a well-designed app, none of the app features overshadow another feature of the app.

It is very clear from the above points that app development must be done keeping in mind the design of the app. Infojini is in the field of developing mobile apps since several years. We very well know what a well-designed app look like. We develop and design apps that make the perfect first impression on the users. We intend to grow your business by designing a high-quality mobile app. So, for any all your app development needs, you can contact us via a call on 410-919-9440 or an e-mail on

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