Infojini appraised at CMMI Level 3!



To help save time, money and effort of students, we’ve created a test preparation app for students preparing for entrance exams like NEET, MHT CET and JEE. The app makes it easy for aspirants to test their preparation level anytime anywhere as per their convenience.

Type of Work

.NET, Android



app screens

Home Screen
Test Began
Question of the day
Report Analytics

The Problem

Preparation of competitive exams like NEET, JEE-Mains, and MHCET requires an aspirant to practise several multiple choice questions in the limited time. While the conventional approach to prepare for exams was taking a classroom-based course or buying a book, it was equally time consuming and expensive. For instance, if a student is spending 2-3 hours a day in commuting from home to coaching and vice versa, isn’t he losing a significant amount of his preparation time daily? It is to help students use the time and utilize the available resources judiciously, we have developed a smart learning option – a mobile app for the preparation of engineering and medical entrance exams. The app helps student customize the tests, provide correct answer keys along with comprehensive solutions, track their test performance through a detailed report/result, bookmark tricky questions and practise for MCQs(Multiple Choice Questions) anytime anywhere.

The Challenges

  • The app was expected to be user-friendly, allowing the user to select their study stream and subjects.
  • Students should be able to select the chapters and personalize their tests according to their preparation.
  • The app should instigate time management by following the same time rules of exams.
  • It should display immediate results with proper marks achieved and solutions for the questions in tests after completion of tests.
  • It should provide the test series appropriate for practicing the actual exams.
  • The mobile app should also have report and feedback mechanism for improvisation.
  • Mapping Full test Question Dataset by stream and relevance..
  • Display Questions in mathematical format.
  • Creating a CMS that can handle large amount of questions and answer data and traffic.

The Solution

  • We used PostgreSQL Database which made the Front-End lightweight
  • Use Mathematics javascript libararyto support for symbolic computation, comes with a large set of built-in functions.
  • Interactive Components: We used simple but interactive components to make sure that the app functioned seamlessly on Android devices.
  • Technologies used: .Net, PostgreSQL, Native Android.
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