Infojini's staffing and IT consulting services are appraised at CMMI Level 3!

The TASSCC Technology Education Conference


Fri, 28-04-2023

08:00 AM


Fri, 28-04-2023

18:00 PM


Austin, Texas View Map

Event Details

On April 28th, attendees had the chance to meet our CEO, Sandeep Harjani, who was present at the conference. Our CEO is a visionary leader in the technology industry, and he was excited to engage with attendees, discuss industry trends, and explore how Infojini’s innovative solutions can empower organizations. It was a pleasure to share our expertise, collaborate with fellow tech enthusiasts.

If you were unable to meet our team at the event, we invite you to reach out to us through our website or email us at contact information provided. We would be delighted to continue the conversation and explore opportunities for collaboration and support.

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